Fracture-1. 2023
Jung Ho Lee, South Korea

Mixed media on linen., 162.5 x 129.5cm

About a work

My work starts with a constant investigation into urban stains. Here, I see different aggregating elements transforming the everyday sidewalk into an organic universe. To collect these visual memories, I wander around the city and get excited over stains from a pile of trash left behind. I meander into alleys to remember the artists I have studied and examined at museums through the watermarks left on the windows. And I ramble into junkyards to see how piles of outdated electronics, stripped poster boards, and countless layers of bad graffiti breathe life into rapidly changing modernity. Moments of exciting discoveries collect as memories and frames of events compile to form a hazy vision. I return to my studio and record these discoveries, mimicking those marks and compositions that made me overly zealous.

NFT, released in a limited edition in honor of the ART UNITES THE WORLD: HUMAN AND SPACE
Joint International Exhibition | April 19 – May 16, 2024 | Palazzo Pisani Revedin, San Marco 4013/A Venice Italy

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