Treasure-Part1, 2023
Irina Kovalevskaya, Russia

Oil on canvas acrylic, 50 x 40cm

About a work

The diptych “National Treasure” is one the brightest manifestation of active metaphors and allegories application by the artist which she uses to express her philosophical views. In addition to the emphasis on the aesthetics and plasticity of the sport movements, the question of a person’s position in the system of social management is raised in these artworks. Gold, Oil, Space or Human - what is the main national treasure? The images of tennis players are attracted to confirm the artist’s opinion about the central understanding of Human. In this special role, the author assigns a woman who, possessing tenderness, grace and sincerity, is an example of determination and willpower. She lifts difficult “balls”, sets cosmic goals and achieves great results..

NFT, released in a limited edition in honor of the ART UNITES THE WORLD: HUMAN AND SPACE
Joint International Exhibition | April 19 – May 16, 2024 | Palazzo Pisani Revedin, San Marco 4013/A Venice Italy

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