TokenID: 1f36e1ac...ce2b

Author: Alyona Sychyova

Collection: under-the-sky-with-a-bright-star

Generation date: 09-11-24 11:42

Image hash: 15e8f411...28d5

Owner: idA8bXpW...PK5D

Under the sky with a bright star, 2020
Alyona SYCHYOVA, Russia
Oil on canvas, 80x100 cm
The artist's brush creates a complex, multidimensional world. It is akin to a poetic one, where the earthly and the heavenly are intertwined. An earthly paradise, protected by the sky, but open to the belief in the impossible. For everyone there is his own Star, whether it is in the sky or near, the main thing is that it is available. The author uses unusual, bold colors, shapes and compositional solutions. It seems as if the artist invites the audience to co-creation: everyone can be brave enough to create his or her own wonderful world, where everything is possible under the sky with a bright star"

NFT, released in a limited edition in honor of the ART UNITES THE WORLD: HUMAN AND SPACE
Joint International Exhibition | April 19 – May 16, 2024 | Palazzo Pisani Revedin, San Marco 4013/A Venice Italy